March 25, 2013
We are thrilled with the response to the Urban Sketching Symposium in Barcelona. After the first two hours, registration for the Symposium was full!
While we are pleased with this result, we know there are many of you who did not have a chance to register. You may add yourself to the waiting list by going to the registration site in case people cancel.
Even if you don't get to register, consider a trip to Barcelona anyway! An open SketchCrawl is planned for Saturday, July 13, and we're exploring extra activities around the Symposium for anyone interested in attending.
We are pretty sure that urban sketchers from around the world will be roaming the city all week and you will have opportunities to meet them outside the workshops! You can continue to keep up-to-date on other Symposium-related activities by joining our mailing list and following the Symposium blog.
Thank you!
I would just like to say how very disappointed and sad I am that I was not able to register, I had been looking forward to this for more than a year, especially since I simply could not afford to join you in the Dominican Republic last year. Could you not reconsider your plans and increase the number of participants? I am sure many sketchers feel as I do.
It is really disapointing. I have the same opinion as "uebero", all my plans since last year are prepared to be in Barcelona next July, you should reconsider the number, probabling adding more instructors.
More than that, according to your emails, with different prices according to the registration period, nobody was worried about the inscription in the first hours. I wasn´t.
As Nelson points out, we were not expecting this to happen!
Just opening registration to 300 people instead of 150 is not practical, as the workshops are designed for accomodate smaller groups.
We are seeing what we can come up with for ways to include more people, but that will take some time to get figured out. We are working on it!
Can you please let us know how many people are on the waiting list and where we are on it? (or just post the list on the website, so we can figure out where we are)
That would be helpful for planning, so we can make an educated guess as to whether we should keep our schedules free on the chance that we get off the waiting list.
thank you Jason, I am sure you were quite surprised yourselves by this and will do your best to somewhat improve the situation for us.
We can't post the waitlist publicly, no.
In any case, we advise everyone to wait to see what the expanded Symposium programming will be before deciding not to come.
I'm very disappointed too! I have my ticket and everything, and is quite strange how this is so limited as I'll guess the activity is for ENCOURAGING drawing not to limited! Anyways I hope, there will be a solution for the people who are in the waiting list...very sad.
Le systeme Paypal est un vrai casse-tête. Française,j'etais en prete pour l'inscription à 14 h heure Paris, et au moment de payer, impossible avec ma carte visa. Le site Paypal m'a demandé un RIB de ma banque, une autorisation de prélèvement a envoyer a ma banque, bref une usine a gaz jamais rencontrée pour faire un paiement à l'étranger. Je n'ai jamais pu payer et n'ai donc pas pu m'inscrire. Y aurait-il du favoritisme pour les américains ???? Dommage car la manifestation semble de tres grande qualité.
@ B Ann
Sorry to hear it! Many other French people were able to register and pay.
I, and several others of the instructors, plan to be in BCN in the days surrounding the symposium - I am sure there will be ample opportunities to meet, sketch together, and look through each others' sketchbooks outside of the scheduled symposium activities. Hoping many of the people who didn't get to register will turn up anyway!
Dear all! We are really surprised and we want to make the best symposium for all the drawing community.I hope very soon we will communicate the best for everybody. Thanks!
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