Monday, March 25, 2013

Symposium registration is open now! UPDATE: Sold Out, but get on the waitlist!

You can now register for the Symposium at

During the registration process you will be able to select the workshops of your choice and complete payment via PayPal. If you don't have a PayPal account, you'll be prompted to create one on the same screen where you include your credit card information. It's a very simple step that takes just a few minutes.

If you have previously used RegOnline (for a prior Urban Sketchers event or something else) you may already have a password associated with your e-mail address. If you do not remember the password, use the "Forgot Your Password?" link.

Looking forward to meeting you in Barcelona!

UPDATE 1: Sorry to those of you who are getting "restricted"! This is a cookie problem in your browser.

If you are still having trouble registering try some combination of these tips:

1) Try a different browser. If you are in Chrome, try Safari or Firefox, etc.

2) Try the access code: Barkeno

3) Delete any cookies from or regonline

UPDATE 2: The Symposium sold out in about 2 hours! But do sign up for the waiting list. Things are moving fast: several people have already joined the waiting list and gotten a chance to register.


rileytoorn said...

It says I need an access code :(

Enno E. Peter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bag lady said...

I dont have an access code!

Unknown said...

How to get a password???
and this event organizer number is where????
Phone: 4256862398

Anonymous said...
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Enno E. Peter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bag lady said...

It says that entry has been restricted. Does this mean that urban Sketchers are not invited, despite the invitation to apply? I have already booked somewhere to stay and paid my fares so not now being able to register is really disappointing.

Arte Bizkarra Kulturgintza said...

I`m Gorka Velasco.
It says I need an access code :(((

Enno E. Peter said...

Ok, it worked. See you there. Enno

Unknown said...

Access code? Country of the event organizer's tel nr? USA?

Jason Das said...

Hi All,

Sorry to those of you who are getting "restricted"! This is a cookie problem in your browser.

If you are still having trouble registering try some combination of these tips:

1) Try a different browser. If you are in Chrome, try Safari or Firefox, etc.

2) Try the access code: Barkeno

3) Delete any cookies from or regonline

Karen Derr said...

Try a different browser. I contacted one of the event organizers and was told to use a different browser. Firefox did not work, but Safari did.

Unknown said...

was workshop N removed? it wasnt listed for selection.



Jason Das said...


Not removed, just full. Workshops that have no spaces left do not show up in the options list.

Unknown said...

Ok, Worked but i made a mistake and I have 2 times the same workshop, How I can change that. i already contacted The Rafonline in France, but they said only the organization can do something.
tks for your help

Jason Das said...


Use the "View or Change Your Existing Registration" link, then click to edit your "Schedule". You can then pick from remaining openings.

Arte Bizkarra Kulturgintza said...

I tried Barkeno but it saiys: For a valid password, you must enter a minimum of 8 characters. Your password must contain at least one character from three of the following four sets: lower-case, upper-case, numeric and special characters.

jen said...

I tried to register as Usk correspondent, but it says i need correspondent registration code for that?

Gabriel Campanario said...


It looks like you don't need the access code if you have reached that screen. Just create your own password following those instructions.

Gabriel Campanario said...

@Jen, you should have received a correspondent code from your USk blog administrator. But since the price is the same as the early bird rate, I'd suggest you choose the Symposium Participant option for now and we'll update you as a USK Correspondent later. Thanks for registering!

jen said...

Ok, done! Thanks gabi.

Arte Bizkarra Kulturgintza said...

Sorry Gabi:
I asked for a password and does not appear to create any instructions.

Arte Bizkarra Kulturgintza said...

Am I the dullest of sketchers?

Anonymous said...

Can you add another Demo B section on Friday at 2:30pm? It says TBA right now, I was really hoping to see Sketching with Dry Twig.

Monika Baum said...

I registered using Chrome, I think, and it all went smooth! I am so excited! Now I need to book flights and find good and affordable accommodation... :-)

Arte Bizkarra Kulturgintza said...

I can not stay connected. I'll try later.

Jason Das said...


No, there is only one instructor teaching that, to 25 people at a time.

Jason Das said...


Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Do you have a waiting list for that Demo B in case there are no-shows? Please put me on it if so.

Karen Derr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
omar said...

Is the symposium already full ? that is the message my firends are becoming.

uebero said...

how is it possible that already the registration is closed?? I was so much looking forward to this, the highlight for this year.

Anonymous said...

I am registered but would like to be added to the waiting list for Demo B (any session). When I click on 'add yourself to waiting list' I am just sent into my existing registration. Please add me to the Demo B waiting list if possible, thank you!

Jason Das said...

There are no waiting lists for individual sessions, just the whole event. You can check the site from time to time to see if there is an opening for the course you want.

Jason Das said...


Apparently we are very, very popular! Do sign up for the waiting list!

uebero said...

I did, but i am still extremely disappointed.

Daphne said...

I just joined the waiting list does that mean that i cannot take the workshop i want if it es full?

Jason Das said...

The later you register, the fewer choices of workshops you will have. They each accept a maximum of 17 people.

joy said...

How many people are on the waiting list?

Jason Das said...


There are a lot of people on the waitlist. But we still strongly encourage everyone to get on there! We are working on ways to include as many people as possible, and priority access will be given based on the waitlist.

Andre Sandmann said...

I was in a meeting and after returning to my desk at 4 pm registration was allready closed. I am certainly not the only one disappointed today. I had written Barcelona it in extra big letters in my 2013 agenda of course. It must have become so popular! Reminding me of people queuing in front of a ticket counter the whole night as only the first few privileged ones get a U2 ticket...

miked said...

I share your feeling.
Same here with work and same here returning to my desk at 4pm.
I had looked forward to Barcelona for such a long time too... I feel so depressed now...