Thank you to all the instructors for transmitting their knowledge in such a clear way that everything seemed easy and oneself couldn't but inspiredly give it a go. I wish the Symposium had lasted a few more days as I'm sure that all the other workshops were worth taking as the many drawings shared by the participants show, but nevertheless, I'm happy with the ones I took and here you have some results
Day 1, Morning Workshop: Life Between Buildings by James Richards:
Exercise 1: Bringing the people to the party.
Exercise 2: People and background thumbnails.
Exercise 3: Putting all together with color.
Exercise 2: Finding the values.
Exercise 1: Finding our marks.
Exercise 2: Capturing the Values trough marks.
Exercise 3: Practising silhouettes.
Day 3, Morning Workshop: Urban Life with Marina Grechanik and Ea Ejersbo
Exercise 1:Looking for the story and capturing its heroes.
Exercise 2: Rooming in our sketchbooks.
Exercise 3: Capturing the moment with watercolour and watercolour pencils