The Symposium is around the corner, and we think it is time to thank everybody that has been involved in the organization for the effort they have put into this huge event.
We want to give our warmest thanks
to our people in Barcelona: Yadira Reyes, Marta Castro, Daniel Castro,
Eduardo de Vicente, Isaac Duenyas, David Ramírez, Shiem, Swasky, Sílvia
Xicola, César Caballud, Miguel Herranz, Sagar Fornies and Lapin.
Everybody has been involved as much as their circumstances allowed. We
know how much time and effort this event demanded, and we deeply appreciate all of their efforts to make it a great success.
We also want to thank the USK Board, Elizabeth Alley, Gabi Campanario, Jason Das and Orling Domínguez for their support across the ocean. It has been really helpful to have their insight
and experience with similar issues on previous Symposiums. Their advice
and assistance, as well as being part of the team, has been critical for
the success of the organization. We also want to say thank you to the Workshops Committee for their work choosing such a great bunch of instructors. And we want to give our special thanks to Gabi Campanario and Orling Domínguez, for their hard work, involvement and contributions.
Thank you
also to our sponsors and contributors, to the Barcelona City Council,
Sant Lluc and the CCCB for supporting us financially, and providing us
with excellent materials and logistics. We are grateful for having some
of the best premises in Barcelona to host our Symposium.

Finally we want to thank all
of the instructors, lecturers and attendees for their enthusiasm in
being the essential part of this event, and because without them the
Symposium would not take place. We know the expectations for Barcelona
are very high, and we hope the Symposium will live up to them. We are
doing our best to make it a great experience.
Looking forward to meeting all of you and drawing together in just a few hours!
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