Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Digital Urban Sketching (Demo C)

Presented by Josu Maroto (Donostia, Spain) and Monica Cid (Lisbon, Portugal)
Location: Cercle Artístic de Sant Lluc

This demo aims to show how we draw using new media available to us today, such as the tables from Apple or Samsung, amongst others.

We will show how we focus on quick gesture drawings, engaging in an overall view of what surrounds us and how we narrow a bit more our field of vision by selecting a specific space to draw and spend more time observing it, adding more landscape and architectural details as well as people.

We will also show how we share our work directly in the Internet from our digital gadget.

Our main goal is to show people how to feel more at ease using this new media and discover, or further develop, some of the great tools it offers such as working with layers, with the opacity of colors, with mixing line and brush marks constantly, the opportunity to share the drawings directly amongst many others. It’s still early days for many of us regarding these new technologies and so this is an opportunity for all of us to embrace a new way of thinking about drawing, a digital way of thinking about it.

It would be great if all the participants in the demo were equipped with a digital tablet (iPad, Samsung or other) or even with a laptop with a pen tablet (Wacom or other), and a digital pen if he/she do not want to use their fingers to draw.

It will be also interesting to have a specific sketching app as brushes, procreate, art rage, zen brush, photoshop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could you post recommendations/reviews of various tools for digital sketching on the USK site? If you've already done this, please point me in the right direction. I've signed up for Demo C in Barcelona and have an iPad but would like to try a stylus. I'd like to hear from others - which ones do they like? Also, the same for some of the drawing apps. I see list of apps above and I'm trying a few of them out now.